Aloe Vera Gel Before or After Sunscreen For Sunburns?

Aloe Vera Gel Before or After Sunscreen For Sunburns?

Aloe vera has been used for treating sunburn for a long time, and it's a treatment that's suitable for every skin range. By now, you may already know what aloe vera is, but for those who don't, it's an evergreen perennial plant species that has thick gray or green leaves. Aloe vera has a wide range of uses, from improving digestive health to helping clear acne and even as a cooking oil. 

You can also buy skin lotions, ointments, beverages, and cosmetics that contain aloe vera. Taking care of your skin from sunburn usually means using sunscreen because it's vital you protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. 

Sunburn doesn't only cause sore skin; it can cause other serious ailments like cancer, eye problems, and premature aging. At MG Wellness, we specialize in providing high-quality skincare products to ensure you have youthful, glowing skin. 

Due to our experience, we often come across questions like "can you put sunscreen over aloe?" and "can we apply sunscreen before or after aloe vera gel?" So we decided to answer it all in the following passages. But first, let's address some frequently asked questions about aloe vera that we face!


Can You Put Aloe On Before Sunscreen?

Yes, you can apply aloe vera gel before sunscreen because it gets thoroughly absorbed into the skin.

Can You Put Sunscreen Over Aloe?

As for putting sunscreen over aloe vera, you can do it, but it's not common practice. You can add aloe to your sunscreen to protect and moisturize your skin at the same time, and it shouldn't cause you harm. But there can be some drawbacks to it. 

The first thing is that sunscreens are made with a certain consistency, and thinning it with moisturizer will make the sunscreen less effective, leaving you without the desired impact.

Also, you should do a patch test before you apply both to your face as you may turn out to be allergic to it. But all in all, you can use aloe vera gel before or after sunscreen usually. So now that we answered the FAQs, let's check out some other brilliant facts about aloe vera and sunburns!

The Aloe Vera Treatment

Whenever UV radiation damages the skin, your immune system will repair the damage by releasing inflammatory proteins. That increases the size of blood vessels around the affected, meaning more blood enters. 

Also, chemical reactions lead to skin inflammation, causing damaged skin cells to peel away. As a result, sunburns require ongoing treatment and management, and the skin needs to regrow and cure itself. That's where aloe vera can help. 

Aloe vera is a herbal remedy that can help ease sunburn symptoms and reduce inflammation. It contains 19 out of 20 known amino acids necessary for any organism, and amino acids are responsible for softening hardened skin cells. 

The gel or juice from aloe vera has antibacterial properties and helps prevent peeling skin following over-exposure to the sun. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and high water content that helps hydrate the skin. 

Even though there are limited scientific studies on the matter, aloe vera is still popular as a sunburn treatment. The  American Academy of Dermatology stated that moisturizers with aloe vera could help soothe sunburn.

Aloe Vera: Types & Application

You can apply aloe vera in a wide range of ways to treat your sunburn. Here are some to help you understand the scope of aloe vera for sunburns:

  • You can use the gel, or juice, directly from the leaves.
  • You can buy pre-packaged aloe vera gel.
  • You can hydrate after-sun spray mists.
  • You can apply it after-sun rescue balms or lotions.

We recommend using gels that contain 100% aloe vera, and you can use it and then store it in the fridge. But if you can't find 100% pure aloe vera gel, then you should get one with the highest percentage of aloe vera in it. 

You can find over-the-counter aloe vera products that contain other sunburn-soothing ingredients. However, it would be best if you kept in mind that aloe vera itself won't provide you with the sun protection you need. 

Research suggests herbal formulations containing aloe vera and an SPF 14–16 are effective in sunscreen creams. So if you are looking to use aloe vera products, we recommend using products with an SPF 30 or higher.

Aloe Vera And Its Risks

Aloe Vera And Its Risks - aloe vera gel before or after sunscreen - MG Wellness

If the burn is severe, you should avoid using aloe vera on it. If you are concerned about the severity of the burn, then make sure you talk to a healthcare professional. 

However, if the sunburn isn't harsh and you are looking to apply aloe vera, then make sure not to over-apply aloe vera gel or ointment and only. Make sure you read the directions on product labels. Before applying aloe vera products to the sunburnt skin, make sure to do a patch test. 

You should apply a small amount of aloe vera on the arm and wait 24 hours. If you notice an allergic rash, do not use the product at any cost. While consuming aloe vera gel has its benefits, it won't help you with sunburn. 

Alternative Treatments For Sunburn

Aloe vera isn't the only treatment out there for sunburns. While the effectiveness of these treatments depends on a person's skin type and tolerance levels, they are overall perfect for sunburns. Here are some alternative treatments you can try out:

  • You can apply frozen vegetables wrapped in an ice pack or cloth to the burn. Do not apply ice directly on the sunburnt skin.
  • You can take regular cool baths or showers to alleviate the pain. You can also add colloidal oatmeal and apple cider vinegar to the water to make the bath even more effective.
  • You can take aspirin or ibuprofen to help reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • It would be best if you drank plenty of water to avoid dehydration. 
  • You can try dabbing cooled black tea on the sunburn with a flannel.
  • You can put raw honey on a bandage and apply it to the burn can help prevent infection. However, you should not use this treatment on babies under 12 months as it can cause infant botulism.
  • You can apply witch hazel on the burn as it does have anti-inflammatory, astringent properties and may help reduce inflammation and itching.

The Takeaway

As you can see, aloe vera is a versatile plant with a wide range of uses, and research has shown that aloe vera does have some potential in treating burn wounds. 

However, it would be best if you kept in mind that there isn't sufficient scientific research to unequivocally declare that aloe vera is effective as a sunburn treatment. But aloe vera does have some short-term anti-inflammatory, soothing properties and can provide respite from pain and swelling of sunburn. 

So when looking for products, make sure you get one with a high percentage of aloe vera in it. But your best course of action is to limit your sun exposure. 

Always wear sun-protective clothing and apply sunscreen every 2 hours during exposure to high ultraviolet rays. Remember that while sunburn damages the skin in the short term, there are some profound long-term implications as well. So make sure you get the right sort of protective gear and sunscreen. 

Now, if you are looking for some high-quality sunscreen, then MG Wellness can help you out. Our curated list of sunscreen and other skincare products ensures maximum skin protection and ensures you look your best at all times. So get in touch, and we will hook you up with some. 

Also, if you have any questions about skincare products or aloe vera, drop them in the comments below or hit us up on our socials, and we will answer them all for you. And with that being said, that's about all we have for you today. We will come back with something new for you soon. Until then, see ya!